Thursday, August 20, 2015

Do we truly understand grief?

Understanding grief is not easy. We all experience grief in one way or another in a life time. Therefore, the ability to recover is by calling out to God, which makes a huge difference. I like to know your thoughts.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Want a whole new street?

Dr Smith has holes in her life that need to be filled after loosing her only biological son to him completeing suicide. Finding salve for the soul is where God fills the holes and provides healing to recover from grief. Sharing my experience is that God has enclosed me behind and before, and God has laid His hands upon me leading to recovery and healing. Read Psalm 139:5

Friday, July 31, 2015

Here's my Story concerning grief.

Do you believe you can recover from grief?  I know there are many writings on grief. Through my own experience of grief I found that it is important to have a good perspective on the subject.  I lost my only biological son who completed suicide.  There was time during my grief where I did not think I would make it, but God. Have you heard that there is a Balm in Gilead, a Savior, an awesome God, that is loving and caring,  and excellent in every way.  Hurting people need help and needs skills to cope. When someone dies, regardless of the cause of death, there are many questions that loom; however, when an individual has made a decision to end his or her life, loved ones are left with many painful and intense questions, unlike those raised as a result of accidental or natural death.  Questions that emerge will range from ‘why,’ to “what if.” Surviving family and friends are drawn to searching out if something could have done to either prevent the suicide; or, if indeed they may have in some way contributed to or triggered the person’s decision to commit suicide. Embedded in this quest for answers is the need to try to make some sense of the death; the reality however, is that there are many complex and oftentimes unanswerable questions regarding the act of suicide.  Want to know more about recovering go to my blog at Balm In Gilead,  weekly.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

what's Your story on healing?

The Lord has heard my supplication the Lord recieves my prayer for  healing.